Click on the map below to view the rules and regulations for trapping within individual states.  




Alabama - AL

Alabama's diverse wildlife can be attributed to a large variety of habitats such as the Tennessee Valley, Appalachian Mountains and coastal areas along the Gulf of Mexico. There are 62 mammal species and Alabama is even home to the world's oldest chicken, Matilda, a Red Pyle chicken who lived to be 16 years old, hatched 1990-Feb. 11, 2006.

Species you can trap:

Alabama game and fish regulation 220-2-.27 allows for permits to take protected wildlife causing crop damage, property damage, or concern for human life. A property owner or tenant is allowed to take 1 squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, opossum, beaver or skunk per incident that is causing damage to their property without a permit.


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Alaska – AK

Alaska's unique geography makes it different than any other state in the union. It has nearly 34,000 miles of coastline and its climate and isolation make it a haven for many of its 112 mammal species.

Arctic Terns have the longest migration pattern in the world. They are known to travel a circumpolar migration route, experiencing summer twice per year, once in the northern hemisphere and once in the southern hemisphere.

Species you can trap:

Squirrel is considered a "fur animal" and may be trapped with possession of a hunting or trapping license, no bag limit or closed season. Shrew and mouse may be trapped, no bag limit or closed season. Raccoon and muridae rodents may be trapped, no bag limit or closed season. Feral ferret can be trapped, no bag limit or closed season.


Special area restriction apply in Unit 14C


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Arizona – AZ

Arizona is home to the Grand Canyon, one of the 7 natural wonders of the world. The canyon is over a mile deep and exposes nearly 2 billion years of the Earth's history in its walls.

The official state mammal is the ringtail (aka ringtail cat, miner's cat, cacomistle), a nocturnal creature capable of climbing vertical walls, related to the raccoon and coatimundi.

Species you can trap:

Small game (cottontail rabbits and tree squirrels), skunks, muskrats, badger beaver, raccoon, and weasel require a permit to trap. The only wildlife not requiring a permit are rock squirrels, gophers, and packrats.



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Arkansas – AR

Arkansas is also known as the "Natural State" for its 3 broad ecoregions and 7 sub-regions. Over 50% of Arkansas total area is forestland, providing ample space for wildlife.

Magazine Mountain is Arkansas' highest peak. A selection of 22 acres around the mountain is the only place where a terrestrial snail species called the Magazine mountain shagreen can be found.

Species you can trap:

Beaver, muskrat, nutria, opossum, squirrel, striped skunk, and non-game wildlife excluding migratory birds that are causing damage to personal property may be taken during daylight hours or trapped the entire year.


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California – CA

California is the home of the largest trees, the tallest trees, and the oldest trees. The California redwoods and giant sequoia here are among the oldest living things on Earth.

The California state flag features the California grizzly bear. Sadly, the last one was killed in 1922, 30 years before being honored as the state mammal.

Species you can trap:

Any non-game birds and mammals (including red fox, squirrel, and jack rabbits) damaging crops and property may be taken at any time and in any manner in accordance with regulations. Fur bearing mammals damaging crops and property may be taken in any manner in accordance with regulations.


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Colorado – CO

Colorado is the only state entirely above 3300 feet of elevation. It features the highest peak in the Rocky Mountains of North America.

Colorado is also home to the second fastest land mammal in the world, the pronghorn. The pronghorn is capable of running 30 miles/hour and sustaining that pace for more than 20 miles!

Species you can trap:

Bats, mice, voles, rats, porcupines, and ground squirrels may be captured or killed when creating a nuisance, or causing property damage. Other small mammals are classified as either "furbearers" or "small game" and must be trapped in compliance with the furbearer license.


Preble's meadow jumping mouse


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Connecticut – CT

Connecticut derives its name from various anglicized spellings of the Algonquin word for "long tidal river" which was used to describe the Connecticut River.

Although not a coastal state, Connecticut has strong ties to the maritime community for its favorable harboring conditions within the Long Island Sound estuary.

Species you can trap:

Mink, muskrat, weasel, raccoon, opossum, and skunk are classified as "furbearers" and may only be trapped during Jan. 01 - Mar. 15 and Nov. 03 - Dec. 31. Rats, mice, and moles can be taken at any time.


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Delaware – DE

Delaware is the second smallest state and was one of the 13 colonies participating in the American Revolution. Delaware is known as the first state for being the first to ratify the Constitution of The United States following the revolution.

Delaware's highest point is only 450 feet above sea level. It has the lowest mean elevation of any state.

Species you can trap:

Raccoons, gray squirrels, and opossums may be trapped without a permit if they are causing damage. Methods of control must be in compliance with state laws and only live traps may be used outside of trapping season. Nutria and muskrat can be trapped during open season with a permit. Any landowner can trap up to 8 beaver per year during open season provided they are causing damage. Rats and mice are under no protections.


Delmarva fox squirrel


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Florida – FL

Florida is home to 4510 islands with a surface area greater than 10 acres, second in the United States only to Alaska. Florida is also famous for the Everglades National Park where the American flamingo and Florida panther can be found.

Florida is the only continental state with a tropical climate and a coral reef. The Florida coral reef is the third largest reef in the world.

Species you can trap:

Any person owning property may take nuisance wildlife, or they may authorize another person to take nuisance wildlife on their behalf, on their property.


Bats - except when taken as a result of an exclusion device


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Georgia – GA

Georgia has three diverse landscapes that make up its geography. To the north lie the Blue Ridge Mountains which are part of the Appalachian Mountain range. The mountains give way to the Piedmont plateau, which extends south to the Fall Line, an escarpment defining the southern coastal plain region extending to the ocean.

Species you can trap:

Beavers, groundhogs, rats, and mice are not protected and may be trapped at any time.


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Hawaii – HI

Hawaii is the last state to join the US, is the only state located outside of North American, and is the only state comprised entirely of islands.

It is estimated as a result of its remote location, life on Hawaii arrived by wind and waves. The isolation led to many unique species evolving there. Hawaii has the most endangered species, and has lost the greatest number of endemic species of any US state.

Species you can trap:

Any landowner may trap non-native species at any time without a license provided they are a nuisance. Indigenous nuisance species may be trapped with a permit.


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Idaho – ID

The state of Idaho uses two time zones. In the north, the Idaho Panhandle uses the Pacific Time Zone while the rest of the state uses the Mountain Time Zone.

Idaho features the largest contiguous area of protected wilderness in the continental US called the Frank-Church River of No Return Wilderness Area. The protected area covers 2.3 million acres.

Species you can trap:

Raccoons, jack rabbits, skunks, weasels, marmots, fox squirrels, porcupines, and Colombian ground squirrels are not protected and can be taken at any time.


Northern Idaho ground squirrel, red (pine) squirrel, chipmunks, rock squirrel, Wyoming ground squirrel, golden-mantled ground squirrel, Mirriam's ground squirrel, Piute ground squirrel, pika, northern flying squirrel, bats, southern Idaho ground squirrel


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Illinois – IL

Illinois is part of the Midwest and Great Lakes regions of the US. The sprawling city area of Chicago has become known as Chicagoland and encompasses over 65% of the state's population.

Illinois experiences an average of 35 tornadoes per year. Some of the most deadly tornadoes on record have occurred in Illinois.

Species you can trap:

Most small mammals do not require a permit to trap on your property (house mice, Norway rats, moles, voles, chipmunks, gophers, shrews, thirteen-lined ground squirrels). Tree squirrels (red, gray, fox, and southern flying), rabbits, furbearers (beaver, mink, weasel, opossum, raccoon, skunk, muskrat, badger), and woodchucks may require a hunting or trapping permit, or may require a nuisance wildlife control permit.


Eastern woodrat, rice rat, Franklin's ground squirrel


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Indiana – IN

Two US natural regions, the Central Lowlands and Interior Low Plateaus can be found in Indiana. Much of the state's geography and appearance is a result of glacial activity and remnants left behind by the last ice age.

Species you can trap:

Raccoons, skunks, opossums, beavers, muskrat, mink, long-tailed weasels, gray squirrels, fox squirrels can be taken by resident land owners or tenants so long as the animal is a nuisance or causing damage. Rabbits require a nuisance wild animal control permit to trap, or they can be taken during open season by legal hunting methods. groundhogs, chipmunks, mice, Norway rats, voles, shrews and moles do not require a permit and may be taken at any time provided the species is not endangered or of special concern.


Species that are endangered or of special concern


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Iowa – IA

Iowa is the only state with its east and west borders defined completely by rivers. The Mississippi river forms the eastern boundary while the Missouri and Big Sioux rivers make up the western boundary.

Nearly all of Iowa's land area is used for agriculture, only 7% of the land is forested. The tallgrass prairie that dominated Iowa has been reduced to 1% of its original size.

Species you can trap:

A wildlife animal control permit is required to take any nuisance or damage causing wildlife outside of the regular hunting/trapping season.



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Kansas – KS

Kansas is located equidistant from the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Smith County, Kansas contains the geographic center of the 48 contiguous states.

The American buffalo is the official state animal of Kansas. In 2016, the American buffalo was also designated the national mammal of the US.

Species you can trap:

A wildlife animal control permit is required to take any nuisance or damage causing wildlife outside of the regular hunting/trapping season.


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Kentucky – KY

Kentucky, also known as the "Bluegrass State" is one of only 4 states to be officially designated a commonwealth.

Kentucky is abounding with resources and diverse environments. It has the longest cave system in the world, as well as the greatest length of navigable waterways in the contiguous US.

Species you can trap:

Landowners may trap nuisance wildlife on their property.


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The Homeowners Guide To Catching Rats & Mice

Every year, rats and mice enter 20 million U.S. homes uninvited. They reproduce rapidly, and can cost thousands of dollars in damages and extermination costs. They can ruin equipment, spoil food and start fires by chewing on wires.

We’ve trapped millions (seriously, millions) of rats and mice and the knowledge of what it takes to achieve success is highlighted in this guide.

Homehowners Guide to Catching Rats


Louisiana – LA

Much of Louisiana's land mass is comprised of enormous deltas and areas of coastal marsh and swamp. These unique environments were formed by sediment flowing down and washing out of the Mississippi river.

Louisiana's rich ecosystems created by the Mississippi river are home to many diverse plants and animals. Some notable specimens include birds like the ibis as well as a large variety of terrestrial orchids and carnivorous plants.

Species you can trap:

A wildlife animal control permit is required to take any nuisance or damage causing wildlife outside of the regular hunting/trapping season.


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Maine – ME

Maine is the easternmost state of the US and the only state to share a border with only one other state. With over 80% of its land covered by forest, Maine is the most forest covered state.

Maine features nearly 230 miles of coastline. Much of this landscape exhibits the contrasting forested slopes meeting the Atlantic Ocean. Geologists describe this as a "drowned coast" formed by rising sea levels turning mountain tops into islands and valleys into bays.

Species you can trap:

A wildlife animal control permit is required to take any nuisance or damage causing wildlife outside of the regular hunting/trapping season. Landowners may take any wild nuisance animal on their property found to be damaging their agricultural crops or domestic animals.


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Maryland – MD

The wide variety of landscapes across Maryland has earned it the nickname "American in Miniature." It features sandy dunes, low marshes, cypress forests around Chesapeake Bay, rolling oak forests and mountain pine groves.

Uniquely, Assateague Island has a population of wild horses. The horses are believed to be decedents of horses escaped from shipwrecks.

Species you can trap:

A homeowner must obtain a free landowner trapping permit to legally trap nuisance wildlife causing damage to their property outside the open trapping season.


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Massachusetts – MA

Massachusetts is one of four states designated a commonwealth. The city of Boston is the capital, and 80% of the state's population resides in the Greater Boston area.

Massachusetts is 25.7% water and 62% covered by forests. Despite some animals like the peregrine falcon adapting well to urbanization, Massachusetts has 219 species listed as endangered.

Species you can trap:

Opossum, moles, cotton-tail rabbit, European rabbit, chipmunks, gray squirrel, red squirrel, flying squirrel, muskrat, woodchuck, rats, mice, voles (except those species listed as protected), weasels, raccoons, porcupines and striped skunk may all be trapped at any time with a problem animal control permit.


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Michigan – MI

Michigan has the most lighthouse of any state at about 150. Michigan is also covered by 11 037 inland lakes. No part of Michigan is more than six miles away from a lake.

Michigan also has the largest state park and state forest system of any state. They have 78 state parks, 19 state recreation areas, and six state forests.

Species you can trap:

Any control of nuisance wildlife causing damage requires a permit to trap outside of the regular open seasons. A valid hunting license and appropriate conditions allows for the year round taking of opossum, red squirrel, gray squirrel, weasel, and porcupine. Raccoon, woodchuck, and skunk may be taken year round of they are about to or are causing damage to private land.


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Revolutionary, automatic, and toxin-free rat and mouse control for your home or business.

Minnesota – MN

Minnesota has so many lakes it has taken the slogan "Land of 10 000 lakes" despite its official slogan being "L'Etoile du nord" or, Star of the north.

Minnesota is the northern-most of the contiguous states and can be divided into four ecological provinces. They are the Prairie Parkland, the Eastern Broadleaf Forest, the Tallgrass Aspen Parkland, and the Northern Laurentian mixed forest.

Species you can trap:

A landowner or leaser can take nuisance raccoon, opossum, mink, rabbit, hare, beaver, muskrat, and squirrel at any time provided the animal is damaging private property.


A conservation officer must be notified within 24 hours of taking a nuisance protected species.


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Mississippi – MS

The landscape of Mississippi consists entirely of lowlands. Woodall Mountain is the highest point at 807 feet above sea level.

Mississippi experiences active weather with frequent thunderstorms, an average of around 27 tornadoes per year and the odd hurricane travelling inland from the Gulf of Mexico.

Species you can trap:

Beaver, nutria, and skunk are defined as nuisance animals and may be trapped on your own land year-round, at any time without a permit or license.


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Missouri – MO

The westward expansion of the US depended greatly on Missouri. The Pony Express, Oregon Trail, Santa Fe Trail and California Trail all began here. Its role in expansion is commemorated by the Gateway Arch.

The state is located in Tornado Alley and experiences some of the most violent storms to hit the US. The northern landscape is primarily the Great Plains whereas the south is covered by the Central US Hardwood Forest.

Species you can trap:

Most small nuisance mammals do not require a permit to trap on your property if they are found to be causing damage.


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Montana – MT

Montana is the fourth largest state by area but the eighth least populated. The west is dominated by 77 mountain ranges that are part of the Rocky Mountains and the eastern landscape is prairie terrain.

Approximately 25% of Montana is forest covered and the state has the largest population of grizzly bears of the lower 48. There are 5 federally listed endangered animals found within Montana including the black-footed ferret and whooping crane.

Species you can trap:

A landowner may attain a permit to trap any furbearing animal on their land at any time.


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Nebraska – NE

The Dissected Till Plains and the Great Plains are the two major land regions that make up Nebraska's landscape. The Dissected Till Plains were created as a result of glaciers from the last ice age scouring the land before eventually retreating to reveal rolling hills.

Species you can trap:

Landowners may trap nuisance wildlife on their property.


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Nevada – NV

The Great Basin covers nearly all of Nevada and is the largest area of contiguous endoheric watersheds in North America. This unique type of watershed does not drain to the ocean as most waterways do. Instead it retains all of its water in lakes and groundwater.

Species you can trap:

Small mammals (chipmunks, ground squirrels, marmots, or rabbits) may be trapped by landowners if found to be causing property damage. Beaver are classified as furbearers and require a depredation permit for the landowner to take the animal causing damage.


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New Hampshire – NH

New Hampshire is the state with the shortest ocean coastline at only 18 miles long. New Hampshire's land is 84% covered by forest which is second only to Maine. White Birch is the state's official tree. White-tail deer, black bear and moose are all common large mammals to see in New Hampshire.

Species you can trap:

Anyone trapping wildlife outside the regular season requires a Wildlife Control Operator license.


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New Hampshire



New Jersey – NJ

New Jersey is the fourth smallest state, but the over 9 million inhabitants make it the most densely populated of the 50 states.

There are more white-tail deer per square mile in New Jersey than any other state. Almost 90 different species of mammal call the state home.

Species you can trap:

Beaver, mink, skunk, raccoon, muskrat, and opossum may be trapped during their respective open seasons with a trapping license.


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New Jersey



New Mexico – NM

New Mexico has very little water on its surface. Its total surface area is 121 592 square miles of which only 250 are water. Millions of acres of New Mexico are protected by the US government as national forests. These areas provide refuge for wildlife such as the endangered Mexican gray wolf.

Species you can trap:

Non-game species (porcupine, rabbit, ground squirrel, prairie dog, Himalayan tahr) and skunks (unprotected furbearer) may be trapped without a license by residents at any time. Protected furbearers (raccoon, weasel, beaver, nutria, and muskrat) may be trapped with a license during open season.


pine marten, black-footed ferret


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New Mexico


Revolutionary, automatic, and toxin-free rat and mouse control for your home or business.

New York – NY

New York is the only state to border both a Great lake and the Atlantic Ocean. The majority of New York's population lives in the New York metropolitan area, with New York City being the most populous city in the US.

Most of the state is dominated by wilderness. The Adirondack Park is the largest state park in the US. It is roughly the size of Vermont and larger than Yellowstone, Everglades, Glacier, and Olympic national parks combined.

Species you can trap:

Chipmunks, mice, moles, porcupines, rats, shrews, voles, red squirrel, flying squirrel, groundhog/woodchuck, and skunk can be taken at any time by a resident if the animal is a nuisance or causing damage. Weasels, gray squirrel, black squirrel, fox squirrel, raccoon, cotton-tail rabbit, opossum, muskrat, and hare may be taken by a resident at any time if causing damage to their property but require a permit if on being a nuisance. Beaver, fisher, marten, and mink require a permit to take when being a nuisance or causing damage.


Allegheny woodrat


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New York



North Carolina – NC

North Carolina has three distinct biomes consisting of Coastal, Piedmont, and the Appalachian mountains. North Carolina is considered very unique among the southeast because it has sub-tropical, temperate and boreal habitats.

Species you can trap:

A depredation permit is required for trapping any nuisance or damage causing wildlife. They may however be trapped without a permit during their open season on the landowners property.


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North Carolina



North Dakota – ND

North Dakota falls at the center of the North American continent. All of North Dakota lies in the region known as the Great Plains. This fertile region has led to nearly all of the state being covered in farms and ranches.

Species you can trap:

Ground squirrel, prairie dog, porcupine, rabbit, and skunk may be trapped at any time by residents without a license. Tree squirrels, badger, beaver, raccoon, fisher, mink, muskrat, and weasel may only be trapped during their open seasons with appropriate license.


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North Dakota



Ohio – OH

Ohio is one of the Midwestern states in the Great Lakes region of the US. Ohio is the 34th largest state by area. It is also the tenth most densely populated. Ohio is bounded by the Ohio River.

Species you can trap:

Raccoons, opossum, and skunk that are a nuisance, causing damage, or sick may be trapped without a permit by landowners or tenants on their property.


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Oklahoma – OK

Oklahoma's geography is diverse, consisting of ancient mountain ranges, prairie, mesas, and eastern forests. The state is one of four to have more than 10 distinct ecological regions with a total of 11. This is more per square mile than any other state. There are 50 state parks, six national parks or protected regions, and two national protected forests or grasslands.

Species you can trap:

A nuisance wildlife control permit is required for the taking of any nuisance wildlife.


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Oregon – OR

Oregon has some unique geographical features including volcanoes and high deserts. The only national park in Oregon is Crater Lake which encompasses Crater Lake and the surrounding caldera. Crater Lake formed from the remnants of a destroyed volcano and is the deepest lake in the US.

Oregon also boasts the largest organism in the world. A fungus called Armillaria ostoyae runs beneath 2200 acres of the Malheur National Forest.

Species you can trap:

Beaver, muskrat, western gray squirrel, rabbits, rodents, gophers, mountain beaver (boomers), marmot, nutria and porcupine causing damage on private land are defined as predatory and may be taken by the land owner or tenant without a permit at any time.


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Pennsylvania – PA

Pennsylvania is one of the original 13 founding states and, the only one of the 13 to not border the Atlantic Ocean. It is nicknamed the "Keystone state."

There are 71 species of mammal native to Pennsylvania however, 11 are no longer found within the state. Several small mammals including the Allegheny woodrat, Delmarva fox squirrel, least shrew, Northern flying squirrel and West Virginia water shrew are listed as threatened or endangered.

Species you can trap:

Wildlife - excluding beaver and fishers - may be trapped by landowners and tenants without a permit if the wildlife is causing damage to property (excludes agricultural crop). Beavers causing damage require a permit to be trapped by the landowner or tenant.


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Rhode Island – RI

Rhode Island is the smallest state in area and seventh least populous. Despite its small size Rhode Island is home to over 800 native and non-native species.

Species you can trap:

Landowners and tenants may trap nuisance wildlife including furbearers on their property without a permit if the wildlife is found to be causing damage or is sick.


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Rhode Island



South Carolina – SC

South Carolina is a humid subtropical climate zone. It has a number of National Wildlife Refuges and protected area that have allowed wildlife the opportunity to flourish.

Species you can trap:

Landowners and tenants may trap nuisance wildlife including furbearers on their property without a permit if the wildlife is found to be causing damage or is sick. A depredation permit is required to trap any wildlife during the closed season.


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South Carolina



South Dakota – SD

South Dakota is named after the Lakota and Dakota Sioux Native American tribes. Their state animal is the coyote.

Species you can trap:

Landowners and tenants may trap nuisance wildlife (including furbearers) on their property found to be sick or causing damage without a permit during the open season. A permit is required during closed seasons.


Pine marten, black-footed ferret, fisher


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South Dakota



Tennessee – TN

Tennessee is located in the southeastern region of the US and features a diverse number of climates for wildlife. Their state wild animal is the raccoon and their state bird is the mockingbird.

Species you can trap:

Landowners and tenants may trap any nuisance wildlife on their property found to be causing damage without a permit.


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Texas – TX

Texas is the second largest state in the US and the largest of the continental 48. It is home to 590 native species.

Species you can trap:

Landowners and tenants may trap nuisance wildlife including furbearers on their property without a permit if the wildlife is found to be causing damage or is sick.


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Utah – UT

Utah was the 45th state to join the United States in 1896. Utah contains over 600 vertebrate animals.

Species you can trap:

Landowners and tenants may trap any nuisance wildlife on their property found to be causing damage without a permit provided it is not a protected species.


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prairie dog

Vermont – VT

Vermont is the second smallest state by population and is home to 58 species of mammals.

Species you can trap:

A wildlife depredation permit is required for the taking of any nuisance wildlife found to be causing damage and may only be issued after non-lethal control attempts have been made.


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Virginia – VA

Virginia is one of the first regions that European settlers colonized. Jamestown was established as early as 1607. Because of this it is also home to some of the oldest legal bodies in the country including the Virginia General Assembly, the oldest continuous law-making body in the New World.

Species you can trap:

Landowners and tenants may trap any nuisance wildlife on their property found to be causing damage without a permit provided it is not a protected species.


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Washington – WA

Washington's climate and geography make it an area that allows wildlife to flourish. Approximately 52% of the state is covered by forests.

Species you can trap:

Nuisance wildlife requires a special trapping permit to be kill trapped which may only be obtained after it is determined non-lethal methods of control are ineffective.


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West Virginia – WV

West Virginia is located in the heart of Appalachia, a region associated with the Appalachian Mountain chain. Fishing, hunting and trapping have long be associated with the states wide range of outdoor activities.

Species you can trap:

Nuisance wildlife requires a permit to be taken which may only be obtained after it is determined non-lethal methods of control are ineffective.


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West Virginia


prairie dog

Wisconsin – WI

Wisconsin's state history is very familiar with trapping. As early as 1634, French explorers traded furs with local Native Americans.

Species you can trap:

Landowners and tenants may trap any nuisance wildlife on their property found to be causing damage without a permit provided it is not a protected species.


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Wyoming - WY

Wyoming is the least populated state, but 10th largest by area. This unique attribute has allowed wildlife to flourish in Wyoming, with over 121 mammal species occurring within its borders. It is also home to some of America's most popular national parks as well as where the Prairies meet the Rockies.

Species you can trap:

Exclusion and live trapping are preferred but nuisance wildlife may be trapped without a permit when found to be causing damage.


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Revolutionary, automatic, and toxin-free rat and mouse control for your home or business.