Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
Excellent for mice

Excellent for mice

Love these traps!

These traps are excellent! We have purchased multiple units for different locations because they work so well. And the remote kill notification in one’s phone is a nice capability.

Incredible results...

My folks get mice in the cold room every fall once the weather drops. They travel a lot and I am not always around to check their traps. We tried other traps but we just weren't around to keep changing the bait and clearing them out. We caught about 6-7 mice in the first 2 weeks and have had the trap on guard ever since. Definitely recommend.


I have been fighting with squirrels for years, in my eaves, under the hood of Our cars, digging up Our bulbs and lawns.
I tried every trap I could get my hands on and very few successes , the bait whatever it was always went, peanut butter especially.
I baulked at paying this much for a product no one I knew had any experience with, but the little buggers wore me down. I bought the kit and fitted it to Our deck stairs, their usual access to Our house. Within half an hour I got to dispose of the first squirrel !!! Half an hour !!!.
Over night three more triggers of the counter and no bodies, I guess Our raccoon population are seeing to the remains during the night. I am going to set up my trail camera to monitor the trap.
I can honestly say today is the first day we have not seen hide nor hair of any squirrels, I know others will be moving in in their place from neighbours and the forest We back on to, but I feel now we can sleep better knowing we have the right tool and a tool that works so efficiently too.


The biggest thing we do is educate our customers about them; they really sell themselves after that. We at Clark are not using bait at our residential accts anymore due to the laws changing. Once we let the customers know and understand the benefits of your traps they will buy them. We also sell a ton to our large commercial accts. It is a large investment for them, but the benefits of better rodent control make up for that. Its more about educating our technicians on the C02 traps and how they can make their jobs easier, they also make more money when they sell them.

5 Stars

This trap has been an absolute game-changer. After doing some research I was able to place the trap in a spot I felt comfortable with, and it immediately started working. I especially like the tool that counts the engagements. I have been impressed with the simple effectiveness and cleanliness this trap offers. I will be adding more to my treatment strategy!

This product works great

Everything is going well with our GN traps. Both versions of them. I have had two very recent customers that WERE dealing with squirrels. But the GN’s have taking care of them without effort. On very serious issues Recon will check on the site every 2 weeks for at least a month or more just to give the customer a solid report and check on the counters. The customers have been amazed and skeptical at the same time, which for us is hysterical. The just can not believe, even though the proof is staring them in the face. But the no noise, the counter and it all starts to sink in that this product works great.

22 in 3 days

"Clean your coop and use the scratch in the A24 with the lure basket. I get 22 in 3 days between my 2 units!"


"They make day to day rodent management effortless."

Great solution

"These traps are a great solution for areas where other means and methods fall short or cannot meet certain requirements."