The Gadgeteer: A Humane Trap That Quickly Dispatches Mice and Rats

The Gadgeteer: A Humane Trap That Quickly Dispatches Mice and Rats

By Bill Henderson | Published on 01/20/2019

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NEWS – Let me begin by saying I do not like wild rats. They are filthy creatures that spread germs and disease, not to mention the damage they do to homes and farms. I have a separate studio building in my one acre backyard where I review and test audio gear as well as do freelance design. Unfortunately, half of my studio is an open area where I store all of the lawn equipment. And that’s where mice and (sometimes) rats hang out. I have tried various traps with varied success and am on the prowl for a trap that is consistently reliable and works well.


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Recently, I came across this: the Goodnature A24 self-resetting trap. According to Automatic Trap Company, their A24 self-resetting trap is the world’s only pest trap that self-resets itself, offering control for months without monitoring or resetting. This can create time savings in pest management. The introduction of Goodnature’s traps means people no longer need to use glue traps, ineffective snap traps or harmful poisons. Targeting rats and mice, this weather-proof trap kills up to 24 rodents without toxins or electricity, automatically resetting itself after each CO 2-powered shot. Simply mount it, let the trap work, and then toss the remains (or, if installed outdoors, let scavengers do that for you.

The A24 trap is an effective, year-round rodent-removal solution that’ll work just as well in your garage as it will in a backyard mounted to a tree.


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The multi-kill system is certified humane and effectively eliminates invaders on the spot, spring traps, and poisons. You’ll never have to track down a wounded or sick rodent—or worse, smell it rotting somewhere in your home. All you’ll have to do is refill the CO 2 canister after 24 shots and replace the bait every 6 months. A waterproof digital strike counter is included and makes monitoring the trap easy, especially if it’s installed outdoors.


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Introduced in New Zealand, Goodnature’s A24 trap kills rats according to the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC) Guideline 09 and is certified humane. The Goodnature A24 self-resetting trap (with counter) sells for $199.99 and is available from Amazon. Visit for more information.

Read the original article here.